Mobile Internet Phone Users in Nigeria: New Marketing Opportunity

Instagram Marketing Strategies

Mobile Internet Phone Users in Nigeria: New Marketing Opportunity

Mobile marketing in Nigeria is becoming a key part of every business’s marketing strategy.

According to Charles Murito, Google Kenya country manager, rising Internet usage in Africa is primarily due to better infrastructure, cheaper devices, and lower data costs.

Between 2014 and 2017, statistics available to Google showed that Internet usage in Kenya grew from 48% to 53%. In Nigeria, Internet usage grew from 62% to 65% over the same period and in South Africa, usage increased from 48% in 2014 to 65% in 2017.

“This growth has been matched by a surge in searches, and in particular searches for different things. What was unique in Africa is this growth has been based on the mobile device, with the continent using mobiles more than anywhere else ,” Murito said.

The number of mobile phone users in Nigeria is continuously increasing, and so a business needs to device new ways of reaching its audience through this direct communication channel.

The Nigerian telecommunication industry is the biggest mobile market in Africa.

In a report according to African mobile marketing company, Twinpine; it describes Nigeria officially the most “mobilized” country in the world – with 76% of all internet traffic in Nigeria coming through mobile devices as can be seen here on the trend report.

With about 75 million mobile subscribers in Nigeria out of a population of 185M, the mobile penetration rate is estimated at 61.53%.

However, this rapid growth in the number of subscribers led to problems with network congestion and quality of service (QoS).

The Nigerian telecom regulator, formally known as the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has long mandated increased investments in base stations and fiber optic transmission infrastructure, to support the ever increasing demand for bandwidth.

The industry regulator also between 2013 and early 2016 applied a price floor on voice and data tariffs in a bid to prevent the major operators from squeezing other competitors.

Therefore, while data costs in certain African countries were higher than others, overall, data is getting cheaper.

Among the top five countries that did Google searches online through their mobiles, Nigeria was placed second in the fourth quarter of 2017, and Kenya and South Africa were also in the top five.


Mobile Marketing in Nigeria: The New Marketing Strategies

Mobile Marketing in Nigeria Abbakin


List of the major telecom operators in Nigeria:


Mobile Marketing in Nigeria Vs. NCC

Meanwhile, the telecom markers took advantage of mobile advertising extension known as ‘Please Call Me’ to reach millions of Nigerian subscribers without having to find their mobile numbers or purchase data on these huge networks.

Because many Nigerians have their phones with them all the time as do all mobile technology users, as their unique primary means of communication, Nigerians received about 74 million message impressions daily.

PCM Mobile Advertising model can achieve a range of things such as delivering a brand or promotional SMS messages, click to call, click to mobile website or click to SMS short code (e.g. 45545).

Using a short code allow marketers the functionality to compile databases, generate sales leads and create revenue for their businesses.

This form of mobile marketing is cost effective, which made it an extremely worthwhile marketing option in Nigeria before year 20016.

During this period also, Bulk SMS Software marketing tools and mobile marketing software solutions evolved across Nigerian mobile markets.

Several large Nigerian companies ware found using this highly effective method of mobile marketing.

In the first week of May 20016, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) mandated telecommunications operators in Nigeria to enforce the ‘Do Not Disturb’ code across their networks with the 30th of June as a deadline for implementation.

This nationwide directive was to cracks down on all mobile network operators in respect of telemarketing, unsolicited text messages, and calls.

These operators were also asked to dedicate a short code for use by subscribers to opt-in to the ‘Do Not Disturb (DND)’ database on their networks.

Thus, this regulation has apparently become a drawback on future of mobile marketing in Nigeria, especially in Mobile SMS Marketing.


Mobile Marketing in Nigeria: The New Way Forward

Economic circumstances may hamper growth for the short term, but the Nigerian mobile market is the most exciting mobile industry in Africa.

With greater sophistication and adoption of mobile services, mobile marketing in Nigeria in the long term will see continued growth.

As a business owner, investor or company who is seeking to exceed your competitors in your niche, get new customers, and make profits for your business.

It is important that you create the opportunity and ensure your business survival in today’s economy through other digital media and platforms that can advertise or market your businesses, products and services.

Mobile Marketing offers a wide range of opportunities for interacting with users or potential customers on a more personal level.


Related: Top 20 Most Visited Nigerian Websites in 2017


Amidst this rising Internet use, brands are no longer just competing with one another but with experiences user.

Consumers are now more curious, and often spend more time searching and researching to validate an assumption or support their initial research.

Consumers are more demanding, they want it now, they want it close to home, and they want to have that experience in a more efficient manner.

With data mining tools today, digital marketer can now address a much more specific audience according to age, gender, location, interests and mobile browsing data; as well as other factors that give the possibility to reach a specific target segment, within a specific audience profile.

Mobile marketing lets you reach your customers and prospects anytime, anywhere.


“It is really critical to anticipate what customers want. People want you as a brand owner to tell them what they need. It’s the notion that Steve Jobs spoke about. Consumers don’t know what they want. You have to create it for them and tell them why it is amazing,”

— Charles Murito



Effective mobile marketing and advertising means understanding your mobile audience, and designing contents or products with mobile platforms and mobile users in mind.

With the mobile network penetration rate in Nigeria and increasing growth of Smartphone and mobile tablets users in Nigeria: – who are

  • sending money using mobile banking apps,
  • downloading videos and other music entertainments,
  • playing games, and listening to songs,

Your mobile marketing efforts are more likely to pay-off, if you consider to choose Abbakin as the right digital marketing agency in Nigeria who can design effective mobile marketing strategies and manage your digital advertising in addition to SMS or Email marketing.

A total of 89% of marketers indicated that one of factors that are going to differentiate them from their competitors is anticipating the needs of their customers.

This is one of the reasons why we are heavily investing in data science, and turning data into insights.

If you’re just starting up, your target customers are still going to become more informed about those products. The ability to have that strong presence online, and an informative presence, is what is really going to make a difference between whether your brand wins or loses.


Mobile Marketing in Nigeria: The New Marketing Strategies

Below is a List of Other Mobile or Digital Marketing Strategies to Try


Your business need to show up, wise up, and speed up. What mobile marketing strategy are you using? Tell us about your project here.

Although, various factors will determine the best marketing strategy approach for your business. Yokebay in this article described the type of marketing that works in Nigeria.

For more information also,

 Read: 8 Reasons Why Your Business Need Mobile Marketing Strategies



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Comments (2)

  • Emmanuel Reply

    I need mobile market

    June 9, 2020 at 1:32 am
  • Mobile Marketing Reply

    This is really an eye opener on mobile marketing. Thank you!

    July 13, 2020 at 3:09 am

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