
5 Ways Employers can be Employee-Centric in 2022

As per the prevalent corporate world, people are looking to work with those organizations who will assure them career stability. Apart from this aspect, people are now prioritizing how an organization treats its employees. In the article, you will the ways employers can be employee-centric in 2022. They would like to be a part of a supportive and positive work environment where they can work and thrive without any disruptions. Deloitte reveals that more than 85% of employees feel that...

5 Benefits of Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses

Instagram has now become a social media platform where businesses are making their presence felt by marketing  their services. This is mainly because Instagram receives heavy traffic on a daily basis due to high engagement rates. As a result, many businesses see it as an opportunity to reach and attract a large number of users. Statistically speaking, Earth Web reveals each month, there are 1.44 billion active users that are scrolling through the Instagram feed. Apart from that, Hootsuite reveals...

How to Create Google Business Profile to Grow Local SEO

In this article, we are going to learn how to create Google business profile that will grow your local search traffic. Creating a Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is an important way to attract new customers to your business through Google Organic Search, Google Reviews and Map. Google is the world’s most-visited website that’s currently holds more than 92% of search engine market share. Google My Business, Google for Business or Google Business Profile is a...

5 Leadership Skills For HR Managers to Master

As an HR professional, do you ever feel the need to pay heed to your leadership skills? Here are the 5 leadership skills for HR Manangers to Master.  After all, HR managers have important leadership responsibilities to deliver on and for that, you need great leadership skills. Having said that, how can you snub the need for mastering the art of excellence in leadership? When you rise to the occasion as a great leader amid unprecedented times, you can advance...

5 Incredible Ways to Boost Engagement in a Diverse Workforce

Engagement in a Diverse Workforce and inclusion are among the most blooming workplace trends in the modern workplace. Organizations are increasingly realizing the business benefits of diversity and inclusion and are investing in it wholeheartedly. Did you know that organizations that embrace diversity and inclusion have a 70 percent higher chance of penetrating new markets? Workplace diversity insights further state organizations with an equal representation of genders can increase their revenue by 41 percent. However, do you think all diverse...

5 Effective Ways To Create An Appealing Employer Brand

I strongly feel that the most effective PR of a company is the voices of its employees. As long as your employees talk good about your company, you can easily attract top talents to your company. Employers and recruiters have realized the substantial benefits, which is why the appealing employer brand is becoming the major focus of companies in the modern workplace “In today’s transparent job market, employment brand and employee engagement have become synonymous." -Josh Bersin Moreover, the benefits of...

7 Soft Skills to Prioritize Learning for Career Success

“Soft skills get little respect, but will make or break your career.” - Peggy Claus One thing that I’ve realized throughout my professional journey is that the above-mentioned words by Peggy Claus reflect the core of truth. Most of us don’t pay the desired attention to our soft skills. We run in a rat race and feel that being the best in our technical skills is the only gateway to winning. But, alas! That’s where most of us make the...

7 Actionable Tactics To Evolve Into A Happy HR Manager

“Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from your own actions.” - Dalai Lama Are you a happy professional? For most of us, the answer to this question is ‘no’ irrespective of our professional field. There are unhappy engineers, unhappy doctors, unhappy HR managers, and so on. The extent of professional unhappiness has become so enormous that it triggered the Great Resignation but there are 7 actionable tactics to evolve into a happy HR manager. Around 4.5 million U.S. employees left...

Inexpensive Employee Engagement Tactics For Small Businesses

For any business big or small, employee engagement is a major concern. In fact, in the modern world, businesses are increasingly acknowledging the benefits of high employee engagement. However, driving exemplary employee engagement seems easier said than done. To validate this, the statistics on global engagement levels in the workplace paint a dismal picture. Insights from a Gallup survey revealed that not more than 20 percent of the global workforce is engaged in their work. Having said that, it is...

7 Ways to Find Leadership Prospects in a Company

We surely live in a world where our skills or academic papers speak for us. But there is a new trend that every focused organization must pay attention to during the recruitment and selection process. “ Leadership Prospects in a Company”. To fully dissect the term “leadership” might require another day, but we’re going to learn the 7 ways to leadership prospects in a company. It doesn’t mean you have to assess every new hire whether he/she can take up...