Tech & Productivity

Business owners and entrepreneurs are busybodies and ever active people who often have several things to do every day. And like everyone else, they have only 24 hours in a day. There is a growing body of research showing how technology and employees’ policy change and attitudes to work are making things easier in the global workplace. The Tech & Productivity blog section focuses on business growth opportunities though technologies advancements and management performance improvement through efficient time management, strategic marketing, personal growth, and effective corporate communication.

Email Marketing Companies in Nigeria

Email marketing is one of the most cost effective forms of direct communication marketing. Irrespective of your industry, large companies and small businesses can boost their marketing efforts by leveraging the lead acquisition and sales opportunities in email marketing strategies. As one of the best email marketing company in Nigeria, we can help you drive high revenue impact for your business. With over 144 billion emails sent each day across the globe, how will a company separate itself from the...

Mobile Marketing Strategies And How to use Them 

As a business owner or marketer, do you want to know why your business need mobile marketing strategies and how to implement them? Well, mobile marketing is a component of a multi-channel campaign, called Digital Marketing. Mobile marketing is aimed at reaching out to your target audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices. Usually, mobile marketing process is usually implemented via Mobile-friendly Websites, Emails Marketing, MMS and SMS Messaging, Social Media Marketing, and Mobile Applications. Mobile devices are...