Tag - Email Marketing Strategies

Right Time to Switch Your Bulk SMS Provider

You may at times wonder when is the right time to switch your bulk SMS provider. Well, this is a difficult question to answer as this is not as simple as throwing a switch. To understand all about it you will first have to know how it can affect your business and then make the plans for a switch over. Over the years, SMS (short message service) is saving businesses millions of dollars as a cheaper way of reach a...

How to Create Marketing Plan for Your Business

This post outlines the essential steps you need on how to create marketing plan for your business. Due to the current sales declines, slow growths and increasing competitions in today economy, a company must continue to maintain good image relationship with the public and increase its profits through improved sales functions. To achieve this, business has to identify the marketing needs and opportunities in its market segment, keep abreast with relevant information and technologies, develop quality products to satisfy those...

Email Marketing Companies in Nigeria

Email marketing is one of the most cost effective forms of direct communication marketing. Irrespective of your industry, large companies and small businesses can boost their marketing efforts by leveraging the lead acquisition and sales opportunities in email marketing strategies. As one of the best email marketing company in Nigeria, we can help you drive high revenue impact for your business. With over 144 billion emails sent each day across the globe, how will a company separate itself from the...