Digital Marketing Training in Lagos Nigeria

Digital Marketing Training in Lagos Nigeria

Digital Marketing Training in Lagos Nigeria

Take your business to the next level with our digital marketing training in Lagos Nigeria. Learn how to do business in the 21st century with digital skills. It is always easy to have the access to finance and command the resources and materials required to start and run a business in Nigeria or other emerging markets. According to a report: the future of online business provides money making opportunities for everyone with the necessary digital marketing skills.

But, one of the major challenges facing startup businesses in Nigeria and those cross other parts of the world is the problem of not knowing how to market their businesses to local customers, and reach out to national and international audience. Marketing is an important management functions that every business owner or manager should know how to do well. In fact, marketing as a do or die affair for both new businesses and long-established companies across the world.

As a full services Digital Marketing training Agency in Lagos Nigeria, we believe in you starting small to growing bigger! Therefore we offer intensive digital marketing training for entrepreneurs in Nigeria, potential digital marketers, advertisers and publishers who are looking for job readiness skills. Our digital training courses are designed to give individuals with viable offline businesses and/or online businesses ideas the opportunity to develop effective online marketing strategies that would suite their businesses; and help them leverage today’s global marketplaces that are powered by the Internet.

We have experienced digital marketing experts and instructors who can create the most effective online marketing platforms and design comprehensive marketing plans for individuals and marketing agencies looking for best ways of driving new prospects, networking brands, and growing the future 5000 companies with innovative marketing tools.

Irrespective of the size or type of your business, we are poised to boost your online sales through engaging website developments, corporate branding, marketing communication and data-driven internet marketing campaigns. We want entrepreneurs to leverage on the social media tools, or the internet in building their customer bases, boosting their ads performances, and make more profits online.

We’re helping small and medium sized businesses within our communities to identify and position their brands, share their stories and monetize their products using disruptive marketing strategies. You too can take advantage of our professional digital training opportunities and move your business to the next level. Contact us now for more information. Call: +2348064177970 to book a date and grow your business.

Why Digital Marketing Training in Lagos Nigeria

We’re the Best Digital Marketing Academy in Lagos.

The world has gone digital and you can’t be left behind! If you’re looking for professional digital marketing training in Lagos Nigeria, Abbakin Digital Marketing Academy is the right place to be. We provide effective digital marketing training to boost your marketing skills and increase performance at work.

The best way to learn digital marketing tactics is in context—by doing it, and by talking about the specifics of a marketing case. There is so much you can do with the knowledge you gain in understanding the chunks of digital marketing management. In fact, digital marketing is something you can learn to improve your business and career growth.

But learning on your own or reading traditional marketing books only can never substitute our classroom system of learning designed by qualified digital marketing professionals and consultants. We provide practical lessons where you can ask tough questions, and receive introspective answers from experienced digital marketers and internet personalities who will equip you with the best digital management skills you need for your new marketing jobs or online business.

Below is the digital marketing course outlines; covered in our Digital Academy, what to expect at the end of these training; and other available course materials:


Our Digital Marketing Course Outline:

  1. Developing Inbound Marketing Strategy
  2. Search Engine Marketing (AdWords)
  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  4. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
  5. Social Media Marketing Tools
  6. Email Marketing Guidelines
  7. Online Video Marketing ROI
  8. Website Development Basics
  9. Online Reputation Management
  10. Blogging & Content Marketing Concept
  11. Web-base Analysis and Tracking (Google Analytics)
  12. Leveraging Ecommerce Business Models
  13. How to Develop a Digital Marketing Plan


What to Expect in Digital Marketing Training:

  1. You will learn how to increase your business online presence using a well crafted digital marketing plan; created based on your ideal business objectives.
  2. You will learn everything you need to become a digital marketing expert; and how to bring your project to a larger and more receptive audience using proven marketing strategies.
  3. Abbakin digital marketing training center presents recent research papers in internet marketing, paid search engine ranking algorithms and social media strategies you can tailor for your use.
  4. The goal of this digital training is to stimulate the exchange of ideas and deepen your understanding of the global digital landscape and local digital marketing trends.
  5. These digital marketing and IT courses are designed for business owners, marketers and business developers who are looking up to growing their business enterprises beyond local boundaries.


Other Digital Training Resources:

  1. Case Studies and Q&A to challenge your thinking.
  2. Exclusive supplemental study materials for download.
  3. Free access to 4G WiFi internet connection.
  4. Dedicated computer systems at the classroom.
  5. Peer networking, discussion and team learning.
  6. Industry and Google AdWords Certified experts to guide you.
  7. Digital Marketing Expert Certificate of Attendance.



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