How to Write Eye Catching Headlines

How to Write Eye Catching Headlines

How to Write Eye Catching Headlines

Thinking about how to write eye catching headlines for your ad copy or blog website content? Headings or headlines are what sell your contents to the target readers or customers!

If you’re just starting blogging, writing an eye catching headlines for your blog posts is like an advertisement
for your content.

When it is well designed a good article headlines can drive traffic to your website or landing pages.

Your blog headlines or titles represent your content in the search engines, mailboxes, and on social media.

Your blog headlines should be the perfect bait that pulls your audience into your content; and make them wanting to take a second action.

These simple techniques will help you understand how to write eye catching headlines for your blog that will make people pay attention, click to read more, and share your content on social media.


7 Tips on How to Write Eye Catching Headlines for your Blog


#1. Keep Your Headlines Simple, Direct and Relevance

Don’t use big grammars that will make your readers start looking for a dictionary to search for meanings.

People may not have the time for that!

Instead, try to simplify any technical terms in your headings or write-ups by breaking them down to lay man
terms which can easily be understood.

Your headlines should also be attractive and perfectly match to what your target audience is searching for or
what they expect.

Offering a timely or special offer that is relevant to your industry can boost the probability of your content
gaining more clicks.

Examples of such relevance headings are:

  • Hire Lagos Wedding Photographer now!
  • Get 15% off your Gucci Designs on Black Fridays


#2. Become an Authority in Your Headlines

Your readers will be able to detect if you have enough information or not in your content by the way you write your headings!

Sounding like an authority in your headings and being a little pompous at times is good if you want to create eye catching headings for your content.

The heading: “All You Need to Know about Blogging” will surely tell your reader you are an authority in the field of blogging.

But make sure you are able to deliver what your heading promised – that is an exhaustive content on blogging.

Again, don’t sound unsure by using clumsy words. This can show you don’t have the solution they need.


#3. Use Numbers in Your Headlines

Numbers has an effect on the eyeballs!

Your readers would want to know instantly what an article is all about before they invest the time reading it.

Using numbers in your headings will makes reader know the value and/or volume of the content and what to expect.

The higher the number the more valuable they will estimate the content.

For example, the heading: “20 Things You Must Know About Blogging” will drive more traffic to your blog content than “Things You Must Know about Blogging”, especially if the reader is seeking for
more detailed information.

This is because even if readers already have information about blogging, it tells them they might have some
things left out.

So using numbers in your headlines is going to makes them want to read your content, to know what they have left out on the topic.

Related: How to Create Quality Content for Your Business: The 7 Elements


#4. Use Provocative Adjectives in Your Headlines

Online readers now have serious attention span problem.

This has made the saying that “you can judge a book by its cover” really considering.

Today readers quickly scan through headlines to know if there is something of value they can get from the content.

And if there is nothing to drag them into the content they quickly bypass it.

You need to use strong and powerful adjectives in your headings that will pull readers into your content.

Examples of such provocative adjectives are:

  • Amazing,
  • Wonderful,
  • Surefire,
  • Cheap,
  • Mind-blowing,
  • Outrageous,
  • Powerful,
  • Brilliant
  • Shocking ,
  • Terrific,
  • Horrible,
  • Incredible
  • Best
  • Latest
  • Accident


How to Write Eye Catching Headlines for your Blog


#5. Ask Questions with Your Blog Headlines

Asking a close ended question in your headings can motivate people to read your content.

This question should be logical enough to make readers reply with yes or no.

The question should also be a provocative and problematic one that will keep them thirst for more.

Then present your content as the answer to the question and/or solution to the problem.

If the question is carefully structured, it can be a sure way to get readers all over your content in no

Examples of such question are:

  • Do you want to make millions through blogging? Read
  • Ready to know the secrets of successful blogging? Read
  • Want to know how Billy Gram made it? Find out


#6. Predict the Big Future in Your Headlines

Be a fortune teller and predict the future in your headings.

This will surely get the attention of the readers you craved for.

For example; become the devil’s advocate; by telling people the adverse effect of an important decision, or the
future benefits of a particular decision in your headings.

People love to take calculated risks whether in business, career or relationships; so they will surely love to read
your content.

Examples of such Predictive headlines are:

  • “10 Jobs that will be outdated in 2018”
  • “5 Relationships that is heading for doom”
  • “10 Mistakes that will liquidate your Business”
  • “7 steps on how to make money with a blog”


Read: 9 SEO Strategies That Will Get Your Blog On Top
Of Google in 2017


#7. Personalize Your Heading by adding the ‘You’ factor

Using the word ‘you’ in your content is a personal and direct word. It has impact on readers.

The word ‘you’ is an informal word that addresses your readers directly.

Examples of such ‘You’ factor headlines are:

  • “5 Home made recipes you can’t resist”
  • “how to start your first blogging website”
  • “10 Facts about blogging you need to know”
  • “You can sleep and grow money with these Tips”


Wrapping up: How to Write Eye Catching Headlines for your Blog

We hope these tips would help you create great and attractive headlines that will give your blog or B2B websites the traffic you have always wanted.

Because of the internet noise, this is the era of identifying good contents by their headings. The sure way to
joining the train is by arming yourself with the techniques in this article.

Writing eye catching headlines for your blog, newsletters or web posts is a simple and concise formula that
guarantees quick results like open rates, click-through rates and sale

Abbakin care about your business and want to help create valuable contents for your websites.

If you need any help developing your brands, then get in touch with us here.


Related: How Pay-Per-Click Advertising Can Promote Your Business

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