Tag - Starting a Business

How to Become Airtel, MTN and 9Mobile Agent in Nigeria

If you want to venture into the mobile and telecommunication industry in Nigeria, this post is an ideal brief information on how to become Airtel, MTN and 9Mobile Agent in Nigeria. Many social entrepreneurs and young startups usually find it difficult to start simple franchising or agency businesses on their own. This may be as a result of the initial financial requirement to start a business in Nigeria or the fact that they believe that they are actually working...

Government Agencies that Support SMEs in Nigeria

If you are a startup entrepreneur, corporate organization or foreign investor currently doing business in Nigeria or seeking investment opportunities in Nigeria; there are lots of business activities you can achieve with this list of top government agencies that support SMEs in Nigeria. You will also need responsive website designs, social media marketing, and search engine optimization strategies to grow your business, increase your online visibility and make more sales. Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa and, according to Goldman Sachs, the nation...

How to Register for YouWiN Connect Program

In furtherance to our free business information publication, this article is written to help you get full information on how to register for YouWiN Connect Program; including the YouWiN application requirements, login eligibility details, and other important guidelines. The Nigerian YouWiN Connect Enterprise Program is for young startup entrepreneurs and startup businesses in Nigeria who have being waiting for this kind of government grant opportunity to empower their business!   What is YouWiN! Connect? The YouWiN Application Portal, now YouWiN Connect is...

Nigeria Companies and Allied Matters Re-Enactment Bill

The article provides principal insights to the newest Nigeria Companies and Allied Matters Bill 2018, The Companies and Allied Matters (Repeal & Re-Enactment) Bill 2018. As part of its reformative plans for the Nigerian Business Environment, the Federal Government has, through its upper legislative house, the Senate, passed the Companies and Allied Matters Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill in a bid to amend the country’s foremost business legislation. Although the Bill will not become law until it is passed by the...

Common Mistakes to Avoid Before Opening for Business

If you’re eager to start a business, here are common mistakes to avoid before opening for business. You’ve established your business, so what’s next? Maybe you are thinking about opening your doors? Understand how you can avoid these costly pitfalls faced by many new entrepreneurs. Be smart as we highlight what you need to know — from sales, human resources, to running your business to success. Below are 25 common mistakes to avoid before opening for businesses. We have included also the 25 corrective activities on how you can...

8 Things To Do In 2019 That Can Change Your Life

We hope you are enjoying the holidays and resting up for the New Year. Given the trendy 2018 was, we’re all preparing for an exciting and eventful year 2019. Here are 8 things to do in 2019 that can change your life.If you recall, most people were tired of hearing about Recession and tragic killing experiences across Nigeria in 2018.Of course, the political storms surrounding the 2015 election, the economic downturn and change of power didn’t get much better as the years passed...

How to Write a Vision Statement for Business

This article focus basically on how to write a Vision Statement for business. A unifying business idea that transcends the company’s profit motive or vision is a vital ingredient to all organizational decision making and most effective corporate cultures. One of the basic principles of business is to make profits. But this session is going to emphasize on the importance for companies to build a brand on ‘purpose’ and not only for making money. This is because many CEOs and funders are...

How to Develop a Winning Business Plan in 5 Easy Steps

This post outlines how to develop a winning business plan in 5 easy steps. The best way to start a business is to set out your ideas in a proper business plan, with costs and returns on investments well analyzed. It includes free access to our Sample Business Plans, Worksheets, Startups Business Tools and other Resources to help you create a wining business plan that your potential investors or partners would get excited about and willing to invest in.   First, What...

How to Start a Business in Nigeria

Looking for how to start a business in Nigeria? Find out more from this business startup eBook. It covers everything you need to launch start and grow. No doubt, downsizing, also known as workforce reduction is becoming the order in today’s global employment markets. While other professions are faced with cut-backs and lay-offs due to weaker economy, the entrepreneurship sub-sector has continues to remain strong and stable in many nations of the world. For a fresh graduate, laid-off worker and those still in the jobs,...

Things to Consider When Starting Up a New Business

This post outline key things to consider when starting up a new business right from scratch, it is usually an uncharted territory for most inspiring entrepreneurs. However, owing a business or perhaps becoming your own boss offers great rewards; and yet equally high risks. Research shows that about 80% of small business falls within the first five years. And with this in mind, it is important for one to evaluate the reasons and requirements as an individual who wants to start up a...

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