Tag - Information Technology Career Paths

5 Reasons Why Modern Business Leaders Must Act as Mentors

This article will teach us why modern business leaders must act as mentors or why they need to take up mentoring role as part of today’s workplace practice. In the contemporary world, leadership goes far beyond the traditional definition of what a leader should be. As they often say, modern problems require modern solutions. So, as a leader, to solve the modern problems of high employee turnover and low engagement, you need to step up your leadership game. Going ahead,...

5 Things Millennials Expect from their Jobs

Do you have a clear strategy for recruiting the top millennial talents and retaining them effectively? Well, we are well aware of the fact that millennials make the largest working generation in the contemporary business world. In fact, in the coming years, millennials will represent more than 75 percent of the global workforce. Having said that, it is quite evident that your organization’s future will be centered around millennials. In simple terms, having intelligent and agile millennials will be vital...

7 Tips for A Thriving Career in Freelancing

Are you thinking of building a thriving career in freelancing? The corporate world is undergoing massive transformations and remote working cultures are at the helm of the paradigm shift. A few years back, it would have been naive to think that virtual working environments could be a possibility. However, today, it is a part of the new normal and as remote working cultures thrive, freelancing opportunities are on a constant rise. To substantiate, as per Thimble, freelancers represent around 36...

9 Tips To Build Brand That Will Kickstart Your Career

In this article, we are going to learn important tips to build brand that kick-starts your career or business. Do you dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur? Do you have one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or Mark Zuckerberg as your role models? If the answer is yes, first of all, you need to pat yourself on the back for deciding to follow your inner calling. Not many people...

Microsoft Word 2007 Online Tutorial: Beginner to Advanced

Learn word processing today with this Microsoft Word 2007 Online Tutorial and get every skill you need to work in an office environment and save yourself hours and grate amounts of effort. This is a self-guided tutorial that includes different features and command components in Word. Over 800 million people have Microsoft Office installed on their computer but most do not know how to use its packages effective! Microsoft Word is a commercial word processing software application that is written and distributed by...