Tag - How to Form a Company

Factors Affecting The Nigerian Business Entrepreneurs

This article takes a look at the key factors affecting the Nigerian business entrepreneurs or the Micro, Small and Medium size Enterprises, (MSMEs) receptively. Entrepreneurship space is currently experiencing rapid grow in Nigeria, perhaps due to the high unemployment rate which climbed to a six-year high of 18.8% in the third quarter of 2018, – according to the most recent data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). But only 20 percent of these businesses survive the first few years of their establishments. As an...

Understanding Business Organizational Structure | Abbakin

Understanding business organizational structure will indeed help your company grows in the right direction. Of course, a successful business will startup with a well thought out business structure that will be useful in the future. This post is a structure business course to show you the best options to choose the right business structure for your new or existing business. You will also need responsive website designs, social media marketing, corporate branding and search engine optimization strategies to grow your...

Types of Business Organizations in Nigeria, USA and UK.

If you're an entrepreneur or a founder looking for the best business ownership to startup, here is 6 Types of business organizations in Nigeria, USA and UK that you may consider. The failure to understand the different types of business organizations out there might make starting and growing a business seems a daunting task. Of course, choosing the best business structure will greatly affect the way you run your business and will ultimately affects your business success and growth in...