Hiring and Recruitment

5 Reasons Why Modern Business Leaders Must Act as Mentors

This article will teach us why modern business leaders must act as mentors or why they need to take up mentoring role as part of today’s workplace practice. In the contemporary world, leadership goes far beyond the traditional definition of what a leader should be. As they often say, modern problems require modern solutions. So, as a leader, to solve the modern problems of high employee turnover and low engagement, you need to step up your leadership game. Going ahead,...

7 Soft Skills to Prioritize Learning for Career Success

“Soft skills get little respect, but will make or break your career.” - Peggy Claus One thing that I’ve realized throughout my professional journey is that the above-mentioned words by Peggy Claus reflect the core of truth. Most of us don’t pay the desired attention to our soft skills. We run in a rat race and feel that being the best in our technical skills is the only gateway to winning. But, alas! That’s where most of us make the...

Inexpensive Employee Engagement Tactics For Small Businesses

For any business big or small, employee engagement is a major concern. In fact, in the modern world, businesses are increasingly acknowledging the benefits of high employee engagement. However, driving exemplary employee engagement seems easier said than done. To validate this, the statistics on global engagement levels in the workplace paint a dismal picture. Insights from a Gallup survey revealed that not more than 20 percent of the global workforce is engaged in their work. Having said that, it is...

5 Ways to Employee Appreciation Using Social Media

Is there an affordable and impactful way of giving a push to employees? Have you thought of a better, perhaps unique approach to employee appreciation using social media; especially when you have millennial talents as the majority? Read on! Employee appreciation is very crucial and in fact, many employees cite lack of recognition as a barrier to productivity. When employees work extra hard and make a difference, they expect their bosses or organizations to recognize them and appreciate them. Employee...

7 Ways HR Managers Can Deal With Workplace Conflicts

Learn how to deal with workplace conflicts here. Conflicts in workplaces are inevitable and for that matter, you might find yourself dealing with such matters from time to time. Workplace conflicts occur for several reasons and when left unresolved, they can adversely affect the productivity of a team. The fact that the employees have different backgrounds, beliefs, and personalities work perfectly to stir up workplace conflicts. According to a SHRM survey, 44% of HR professionals reported intensified political volatility at...

5 Things Millennials Expect from their Jobs

Do you have a clear strategy for recruiting the top millennial talents and retaining them effectively? Well, we are well aware of the fact that millennials make the largest working generation in the contemporary business world. In fact, in the coming years, millennials will represent more than 75 percent of the global workforce. Having said that, it is quite evident that your organization’s future will be centered around millennials. In simple terms, having intelligent and agile millennials will be vital...

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