Career Development

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10 Reasons Why Nigerian Businesses Fail

Why do small businesses fail in Nigeria? This post will bring to the limelight the key reasons why Nigerian businesses fail. Sometimes, a failing business may be in such a way that the entrepreneur founder or the business owners are unaware of this failure happening until it is often too late. Without doubt, most business professionals know that lack of good management system in a firm's structure has many negative ways of affecting the success fortuity of most businesses. Thus, the leading...

Website Design Training in Lagos Nigeria

The world has gone digital and you can't be left behind! If you're looking for professional website design training in Lagos Nigeria, Abbakin Digital Marketing Training Academy is the right place to be. We provide effective web development training to boost your digital marketing skills and increase your performance at work. Our web design courses cover multiple programming languages, usability search engine optimization documents, web development frameworks, responsive web-design principles and approaches. We offer online and onsite web development training...

7 Tips For Achieving Success In Your Business

If you’re trying to start your business or personal life, here are some of the best tips for achieving success in your business to get you up and running. You will succeed in your business if you have a positive attitude, believe in yourself, build positive habits, make wise decision, set and achieve SMART goals, use your imagination and persist in your journey despite the huddles. Business success is not just about making money. It is about finding true value within oneself, your industry and being...

Nigeria Ecommerce Market Size and Trends

If you are stating an online business in Nigeria, or you're investing in existing business and now wants to go global; here is the Nigeria ecommerce market size and trends you need to know. We can help you design a professional eCommerce website, write your products descriptions, integrate social media marketing, corporate branding and search engine optimization strategies to grow your business and increase your online sales. As you would expect, this post contains the statistics of online shopping in Nigeria...

Basic Computer Training Course for Beginners & Managers

If you are looking for basic computer training course to start and upgrade your computer and communication skills in today's technology oriented workplace, then we are glad to introduce Abbakin Computer Academy Courses that can formulate your future career. We teach computer skills that are prized by employers in a way to measure employee's skills, as well as to guarantee credibility that they can perform their jobs successfully. Since, companies are demanding for IT professionals to provide the highest standard of performance...

Have To Come Up With a Winning Business Idea

This session on how to come up with a winning business idea emphasizes on different ways to engage your mind; from having a look a look at your strengths, walking to nearby retail stores to brainstorming ideas about the marketplace. If you’re just starting up a home business, online business or brick and mortar shop, you have to come up with a lot of business ideas, which may come in many shapes and sizes just to be successful. This business planning...

How to Choose a Name for your Business

So you're thinking about how to choose a name for your business? :) Most successful startup owners and founders also passed through this stage in order to choose the best name for their businesses. Learning how to name a business is a very important company formation process that initiates all other steps and processes taken towards the development, registration and establishment of a company. You will also need responsive website designs, social media marketing, corporate branding and search engine optimization strategies...

How to Start Online Business in Nigeria

So you want to know how to start online business in Nigeria and make money online? There has never been a better time to start an online business today, than to look for proven and easy to start online business ideas that can fetch you extra income, even if you are working full-time with a company or agency. The most important step in starting a lucrative online business is to find a business idea that matches your skills and...