Career Development

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Nigerian Banks That Will Give You Business Loan

So you're thinking about how to get a business loan in Nigeria without collateral? In this article, you are going to find out the 5 Nigerian Banks that will give you business loan without collateral. Please note that the success of any business venture is not dependent on bank loans; what matters most is the business administrative styles, cash flows management, effective marketing strategies and customer satisfactions. Experience, knowledge of the target markets and the understanding of your customers’ needs...

8 Things To Do In 2019 That Can Change Your Life

We hope you are enjoying the holidays and resting up for the New Year. Given the trendy 2018 was, we’re all preparing for an exciting and eventful year 2019. Here are 8 things to do in 2019 that can change your life. If you recall, most people were tired of hearing about Recession and tragic killing experiences across Nigeria in 2018. Of course, the political storms surrounding the 2015 election, the economic downturn and change of power didn’t get much better as the years passed...

How to Write a Business Plan in Nigeria

Thinking about how to create a business plan for your small or medium sized business? Learn how to write a business plan in Nigeria from the professional business plan consultants. Most Nigerian entrepreneurs and companies do not have or implementation business plans when starting or growing up their businesses. They perhaps believed that business plan is just a document or paper that will not give them the most need capital to scale up their business ideas or investment. Of course, a...

Parameters to Include in your Business Plan Template

Most entrepreneurs, startups and business owners are usually reluctant to write down their business plans and document key activities but we have made this process easier for you with our custom business plan template. To help you build your own business plan seamlessly, you can purchase our affordable business plan template; with this, you can easily integrate these main parameters to include in your business plan template. So you don't need to start writing your new business plan from scratch. This...

How to Develop a Winning Business Plan in 5 Easy Steps

This post outlines how to develop a winning business plan in 5 easy steps. The best way to start a business is to set out your ideas in a proper business plan, with costs and returns on investments well analyzed. It includes free access to our Sample Business Plans, Worksheets, Startups Business Tools and other Resources to help you create a wining business plan that your potential investors or partners would get excited about and willing to invest in.   First, What...

How to Start a Business in Nigeria

Looking for how to start a business in Nigeria? Find out more from this business startup eBook. It covers everything you need to launch start and grow. No doubt, downsizing, also known as workforce reduction is becoming the order in today’s global employment markets. While other professions are faced with cut-backs and lay-offs due to weaker economy, the entrepreneurship sub-sector has continues to remain strong and stable in many nations of the world. For a fresh graduate, laid-off worker and those still in the jobs,...

How to Register a Business Name in Nigeria: 4 Step Guide

As a business owner or partner, if you have choose to name your business as anything other than your own personal names, then you’ll need to register it with the appropriate authorities in Nigeria. The post is a step by step guide on how to register a business name in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).  It is required by law that you register your business if you want to do legitimate business in Nigeria. Apart from the requirement...

10 Factors to Consider In Business Loans Application Process

In today economy, getting a small business loan can be so important in growing your new business. However, below are key factors to consider in business loans application. However, a lack of equity usually limits the debt financing available to most startup businesses in Africa and across the globe. Lenders will generally require some equity cushion or security (collateral) before they can lend to small businesses. Additionally, debt financing requires the ability to service the debt through current interest payments. This also makes...

How To Make Money Online In Nigeria

If you are looking for ideas on how to make money online in Nigeria, this post will show you some decent and sure ways you can earn massively online. Here, we are going to discuss several creative way of making money online. So if you are reading this article, you’re one step ahead of achieving success in your online money making quest. Without out wasting mush of your time, below is our step by step guide or better; the list...

Digital Marketing Training in Lagos Nigeria

Take your business to the next level with our digital marketing training in Lagos Nigeria. Learn how to do business in the 21st century with digital skills. It is always easy to have the access to finance and command the resources and materials required to start and run a business in Nigeria or other emerging markets. According to a report: the future of online business provides money making opportunities for everyone with the necessary digital marketing skills. But, one of...