Amplify Your Brand Voice

with Targeted Influencer Marketing Campaigns

We Work with Influencers who Align with your Brand Values and have the Power to Create Authentic Connections with their Followers.

Influencer Marketing Agency in Nigeria

Results-Driven Influencer Marketing Services

Increasing Visibility, Boosting Engagement, and Sales for Your Business
Influencer Marketing Agency in Nigeria

Who We Are:

Influencer Marketing Agency in Nigeria

Helping You Manage Influencers for Campaigns

Influencer marketing has become one of the most popular marketing strategies today. Like organic search and email marketing, it’s one of the most cost-effective online lead acquisition channel that provides scalable results.

Let us create brand awareness, generate leads and increase sales for your business using influencer marketing. We are your trusted co-creators and influencer marketing agency in Lagos Nigeria to help you achieve your business goals. We create well-designed influencer marketing strategies that provide measurable ROI for businesses of all sizes.

At ABDigital, we help businesses connect with the right influencers to build brand awareness, engage with their target audience, and drive conversions. Our tailored influencer marketing campaigns utilize influencers who align with your brand values and have the power to create authentic connections with their followers.

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Influencer Marketing Agency in Nigeria

Why Choose Us for Influencer Marketing?

Increased Visibility, Engagement, and Sales.

Here are reasons to hire us in your next influencer marketing campaigns in Nigeria.

  • Expert Influencer Matching
    We don’t just pick any influencer; we carefully match you with influencers in Nigeria who have real connections with your audience.
  • Proven Success
    Our influencer marketing campaigns have helped businesses across various industries increase visibility, engagement, and sales.
  • Data-Driven Approach
    We track and analyze campaign performance, ensuring you get measurable results from your influencer partnerships.
  • Full-Service Campaign Management
    From identifying the right influencers to tracking campaign performance, we handle every step of the process, making influencer marketing simple and stress-free for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Business Owners and Companies Are Asking

For brands looking for influencers in Nigeria and content creator management agency in Nigeria, real estate influencers in Nigeria or influencers advertising company in Lagos Nigeria. A company may work with an influencer on an affiliate basis; by paying a commission for any products or services sold due to their referrals. Others may prefer receiving direct payment for products they showcase on their platform.

We select influencers who align with your brand’s goals based on their authority in the industry. Whether you’re a company looking for a new way to extend your reach, expose your brand, and drive more engagement; or a reputable promoter trying to make extra cash by working with big named brands, influencer marketing might just be what you need.

According to Tomoson, influencer marketing yields $6.50 return on investment for every dollar spent; while 26% sales was also reported by the content marking institute.

Unlike pay per click advertising, or Facebook advertising, Social Media Influencer marketing has taken the traditional word-of-mouth marketing to the next level; where people share their views and experiences about a product or service with trusted community of friends and families to gain their influencing opinions or peer endorsement.

As Seth Godin rightly put it,

“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.”

Here are some of the Benefits of Influencer Marketing for your Business:

  • Authentic Brand Promotion
    Influencers provide a trusted voice that resonates with their followers, creating a more authentic connection with your target audience.
  • Targeted Audience Reach
    Influencer marketing allows you to reach niche audiences directly through influencers who already have a loyal following in that specific market.
  • Boost Engagement & Awareness
    Influencers create engaging content that sparks conversation, leading to higher engagement rates and greater brand visibility.
  • Increased Conversions
    By leveraging influencers’ credibility, your brand can experience a direct impact on conversions and sales, as followers are more likely to trust their recommendations.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing
    Compared to traditional advertising, influencer marketing can provide a high return on investment, especially when partnering with micro-influencers who are more affordable but highly engaged.

The success of an influencer marketing campaign is measured through several key performance indicators (KPIs), depending on the campaign’s objectives. Engagement rate is a primary metric, tracking likes, comments, shares, and overall interaction with the content.

We also measure the Reach and/or impressions which show how many people viewed the content. Conversions—such as sales, sign-ups, or app downloads—are tracked through unique links or discount codes to assess direct impact.

Brand awareness is another critical, measured by analyzing mentions, hashtags, or brand searches. Additionally, the follower growth on your social media channels or website traffic increases can also indicate the campaign’s effectiveness.

Finally, return on investment (ROI) is calculated by comparing the campaign’s cost with the revenue or other tangible business outcomes it generated. A successful campaign will show high engagement, increased conversions, and a positive ROI, demonstrating its impact on brand visibility and sales.

As a leading influencer advertising company in Nigeria, we leverage creative thinking and storytelling abilities; and use top influencer marketing platforms and content distribution channels; such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, and Music Websites to reach millions of target audience on a controlled budget. Some of these platforms are listed below:


#1. Social Media Influencer Marketing

Social media influencer marketing is a viral marketing strategy that prompts a large number of users to circulate, share or spread your brand product or service within a short time period.

If your product is designed to attract the 21st century Millennials, then you would need to get in-touch and engage with these young and tech savvy individuals who have grown fun of social media and the internet.


#2. Guest Posting Influencer Outreach

Our influencer marketing program also involves guest posting on the influencers’ websites. As content marketing company, we create quality content like explainer videos, blog posts, white paper, press releases, infographics, eBooks, ad copy, and other digital content that can inform your audience purchase intents and inspire them to start meaningful conversations.


#3. Influencer Product Activation

Are you launching a new product or releasing a new album and want your consumers to know about it? Let us help you secure brand ambassadors, movie or TV personalities and media familiar journalists who will cover the event live.

He/she can represent the face of your marketing campaign and advertise your product by sharing brand experience with the buying community via social and/or mass media platforms.


#4. Electronic Direct Marketing (EDM)

As a full service digital marketing company, we use Electronic direct marketing approach, also known as email marketing, mobile marketing or SMS messaging to send out commercial messages to a group of your potential audience.

We craft captivating texts and email messages and design email marketing campaigns to suit your brand offerings. We conduct A/B testing, track email open rates, click through rates and conversion rates to grow your business.

Influencers are high-profile band ambassadors, industry leaders, subject experts, and media personalities who can reach mass-audience or large followers within your niche.

They are usually categorized into Macro influencers, Celebrity influencers and Micro-influencers – used for new market entries or new product launches.

We work with Micro-influencers who are active, and have a more engaged audience and enjoy personal connection with their network.


Social media influencer marketing in Nigeria cost between ₦10,000 and ₦450,000 per campaign. However, the price of hiring online influencer in Nigeria varies widely based on several factors, including the number of influencer’s followers, engagement rate, platform, industry, the type of content required, the nature of your project, and the scope of work.

Additional costs may include content creation, platform fees, nature and frequency of post (sponsored posts, stories), campaign management fee, etc. Here’s a general breakdown:

  1. Nano Influencers (1K-10K followers): $10 to $100 per post.
    These influencers typically have high engagement with a smaller, niche audience.
  2. Micro Influencers (10K-100K followers): $100 to $500 per post.
    Micro influencers offer a balance between affordability and targeted reach.
  3. Macro Influencers (100K-1M followers): $500 to $5,000 per post.
    These influencers have large followings and can drive significant visibility.
  4. Mega Influencers/Celebrities (1M+ followers): $5,000 to $100,000+ per post.
    Campaigns with these influencers come at a premium but offer vast reach.

Ready to Boost your Brand with Influencer Marketing?

Contact us today to start building authentic relationships with influencers that can help grow your business.