8 Things To Do In 2019 That Can Change Your Life

8 Things To Do In 2019 That Can Change Your Life

8 Things To Do In 2019 That Can Change Your Life

We hope you are enjoying the holidays and resting up for the New Year. Given the trendy 2018 was, we’re all preparing for an exciting and eventful year 2019. Here are 8 things to do in 2019 that can change your life.

If you recall, most people were tired of hearing about Recession and tragic killing experiences across Nigeria in 2018.

Of course, the political storms surrounding the 2015 election, the economic downturn and change of power didn’t get much better as the years passed by.

We all have the frustration sufficiently over the past years, and are now committed to concentrating on more important things come 2019.

So let’s rejoice and look to the future; pray for peace and economy recovery as the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has maintained that Nigeria is out of recession.

Now, here are 8 things to do in 2019 that can change your life.

8 Things To Do In 2019 That Can Change Your Life

#1. See it as a Year of New Opportunities

What are you looking forward to this year?

Each New Year brings 12 months of new challenged opportunities; positive entries, devoid of partisan politics, because that’s what we all need right now — hope, happiness, and the pursuit of anything that is not 2018.

As for us at Abbakin.com, we are particular about improving our products, so that inspiring individuals, entrepreneurs and small businesses can get easy on the global business area at the comfort of the homes.

#2. Pay Down Your Debts

It is a known fact that a lot of individuals and corporate businesses surfer loss in capital financing and social savings last year. A number of well meaning businesses, companies and banks went down the drain  with several jobs loss.

If you borrowed money from your rich friends, banks or money lenders, have you been paying your debt down consistently to a more manageable amount in 2018?

Looking at the exchange rates and possible economic revamp, we recommend you completely obliterate all your debts this the year.

If you’ve been putting it off, attack it aggressively to unburden yourself. And you’ll indeed be thankful you did!

#3. Learn Something New

We’re sure you’ll learn plenty of new things this year, but you have to make a conscious efforts toward learning anything important.

Education is the best way of empowering your personal success, fin-tune your career and business objectives.

Learning things like a new skill or a more efficient way to do something that saves up time or money would be a good idea.

But you need to decide what you want to learn and make it happen.

You can check out newest Business and Career Development Courses page for inspirations of which topic you can take to enrich your skills!

#4. Carve Out More “Me” Time

With the kind of stress and ups and downs prevent last year, we seriously advise that you give yourself some break this year!

Wash more movies by yourself, take a nap once in awhile, go grab a cup of coffee, and read a book or magazine and visit the nearby cinema with your friends.

Just love yourself more this time. You deserve it.

You can broaden your horizons and make new friends by joining a social sports group, signing up for fitness classes, music lesson, or becoming a member of a group that interests you.

For instance if business is your thing, you can join the Abbakin Club Membership for Entrepreneurs, a Business Forum dedicated for like-minded individuals drawn from across different industries and counties.

#5. Add a New Revenue Source to Your Income

It’s a good idea that you have two sources of income even if you’re work full time.

We truly believe it’s the only way you’ll get ahead in life, especially if you like to do things you love.

In addition to a full-time career, you can supplement your income by starting a small family business, renting out your free apartments, or office space.

If you have the car or the extra time, driving people around the streets of Lagos with Uber or Taxify also is now another lucrative means of adding cash to your purse.

There are many ways you can put more money in the bank this year. So go get the ideas and start smoothing good!

Read: 40 Small Business Ideas You Can Start With Little or No Money

#6. Find Joy this Year

We live in a world of negativity, crises everyday as it seems. Everywhere we turn its bad news.

But that’s perhaps because we’re actually looking for the bad news on social media or the likes where all people seem to do is complain about things they can’t change and otherwise lament their lives.

Therefore, we urge you to shun that mentality this year and find joy for yourself.

Maybe it means doing whatever you’ve got to do well or adding someone special to your life. There’s still happiness left in the world, if you know where to look.

#7. Plan Your Vacation

Do you have a ‘vac’ on the year calendar? Start planning where you’ll spend your time and all the fun activities you want to do this year.

It takes some of the traveling agencies hours and hours of planning to create an amazing vacation to suit your needs.

For Example, Wakanow and Jumia Travels are good on activities to create memories, and we would like you book visits and hotels by visiting their websites.

You can compare prices online and search for discounts that get the best deals ahead of your leisure and business travels.

#8. Commit to Healthy and Productive Lifestyle

Start it today! Go to bed early and wake up earlier.

Stay on track with your body weight and fitness. Drink water and eat healthy foods daily.

Do these things for yourself and we promise you that so many other things will start to fall into place.

Go for medical checks and be sure to live a healthy life this new year.

Final Words:

Now you have it: 8 things to do in 2019 that can change your life. We expect that individuals who embrace this will have a distinct advantage over others that hide behind their career or business schedules.

As 2018 draws its conclusion, business owners and marketers should be thinking about what they can do to make their companies grow more successful in the new year.

Abbakin will continue to help you find the best ways to leverage digital media like social media channels, website development, retargeting campaigns and search engine marketing more effectively.

If you’ve decided to start or open a new business this year, ensure that you always remain consistent with your brand and business efforts.

Happy New Year from all of us at Abbakin.com!

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