Mobile And Ubiquitous UX Website Design Strategies

Mobile And Ubiquitous UX Website Design Strategies

If you want to design and sell digital products you have to know one thing for sure success. It is much different from selling any other products online or offline. There is no ‘one size fits all’ concept here, especially when it comes to mobile and ubiquitous UX website design strategies. It is a task oriented job wherein you will need to consider the expectations and needs of the users and deliver them with the exact solutions as wanted.

In this era of ubiquitous computing, internet browsing must happen in a matter of minutes if not in seconds or your users will soon leave you, never to come back again. Therefore, your web designing should take place in
all possible scales, including microscopic.

Ubiquitous Computing or UC is typically the third wave of computing that involves mobile devices such as:

  • Tablets
  • Smartphones
  • Laptops and even
  • Internet of Things gadgets.

These have and will overtake the market to transform the way people think about computers and the services that it provides.

If you are a UX designer, you will first have to understand the expectations as well as the environment of the users especially during the Empathy or Define stages in the UX web design thinking process.  This involves different aspects such as:

  • Understanding the devices that are available and used by the users
  • What they are best suited for
  • How these are used and
  • Why the users use of these devices.

It also involved understanding the context of these devices used to inform and for a better UX web design. You will need to understand and utilize the information technology infrastructure in the best possible way to power the ubiquitous computing wave and empower your product.

With proper insight about the computing services you will be able to provide the best solution that can be used seamlessly on a range of devices that are available to the users either directly or as a part of the service


Critical aspects to consider

There is a specific and critical aspect to consider in the mobile and ubiquitous UX website design strategies. This is the purpose of the use of each of these following devices:

  • The servers are devices that store and process a large volume of information such as the cloud services and Google Drive. Though these specific devices are not accessible to the users directly, but they do play a very significant role is providing the best user experience. This is because the information architecture that is used in the user interfaces mainly depends on the information processed in this infrastructure and provided.
  • Workstations are those devices that the users work on such as the desktops, laptops and even the smartphones. User can use these devices personally for as long as they want ranging from a couple of minutes to couple of hours. These devices have large screens and work on different types of input modalities such as a keyboard and mouse. These devices are best suited for managing or editing a substantial volume of information that is personally relevant or even for completing
    complicated tasks that need the cognitive processing of a huge amount of information.

According to the type of devices used by the users, different tiers of ubiquitous computing need to be considered apart from the information technology infrastructure. This will ensure that you deliver the best ways to the users to interact with their device in keeping with the common standards that promises interoperability.


Adaptive or responsive strategies

As for a UX designer it is important therefore to be rhetorical of course because a good UX design will not only depend on the understanding of what the motivations of the users are and what they want to do, but also the type of devices that are available to them.

That means you will need to follow adaptive and responsive strategies to make your design more task oriented. Taskoriented design or TAD is not a defined methodology but a strategic approach to the development process of the systems. This needs you to have heavy focus on the goals of the users so that you can deliver accordingly.

It is important also for you to design the system that will best accommodate all the tasks that they need to do in order to achieve their goals. For this you will need to do proper Task Analysis which is a process of breaking down the user goals into separate tasks.

Such an analysis will help you to create a more responsive website designs where the content is typically “liquid.” That means you will need to restructure everything and lay them out differently so that it best fits on any device and everything is displayed clearly. It is important to ensure that all the features and functionality along with all elements of the content are there but everything is presented in a different way.

On th other hand, the concept of adaptive design is built on the same principle but it does not involve the layout of the interface elements only. In this process you will also have to consider the device context and the
goal of the users. 

In web design, adaptive design is accomplished by creating a product that is:

  • Separate
  • Dedicated
  • Custom and
  • Can be used in mobile devices.

For the same design the equivalent field may have a few additional codes attached to it for the desktop version. This will check whether the data entered is valid but only the numeric values.


Summing It Up: Mobile and Ubiquitous UX Website Design Strategies

All these mean that in this age of ubiquitous computing you must ensure that you design provides new opportunities to the users. Responsive and adaptive designs are the only probable ways in which you can do that and address the different design challenges. In order to build more efficient designs and deliver
pleasurable user experiences you will certainly need to follow taskoriented design approaches.

All these will help you to define and resolve the user issues as well as ideate new solutions. You will be able to analyze the tasks, the device and environment on which these tasks are performed to accommodate the complete scope and satisfy users.


Author Bio:

Ariya Stark is a notable management consultant and digital marketing expert. She is quite experienced in the field of web marketing as well as website designing. Learn more on UX web design , Instagram technique on her blog.

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