Website Redesign and Ecommerce Campaign for Honeystyle Store

Portfolio Description

Finding the right digital marketing agency isn’t easy. There are so many things to think about, like whether the agency can actually deliver on their promises or will drain your cash every month with no return. This is how Honeystyle Store doubles its yearly Revenue to 77% by hiring Abbakin for their online ecommerce campaigns.


What the challenge?

Most CEOs and business owners believe that Marketers should focus on those activities that increase their return on investment (ROI). At its core, marketing is all about communicating with your customers in their own language, and on the platforms where they hang out. “Honeystyle Store needed a unique digital marketing agency in Nigeria that can help with search engine optimization, SEO, Ecommerce marketing and social media campaigns. But with a deeper understanding of its target audience and aimed at increase in the number of leads interested in their products to 5,000 per month.”

Honeystyle StoreWhat we did

Inbound Ecommerce Campaign requires a variety of tools. In this case, it’s all about generating revenue through website traffic, online advertising and social PR. We started out with a structured company prioritized customer research and developed processes around each products, customer segments and workflows. We created documentations on how to run online public relations, redesign the website, integrate social media, and develop paid advertising campaigns for Honeystyle Store using a well planned digital marketing strategy.


E-Commerce Campaign


The Results

In addition to creating a content marketing plan, Abbakin immediately took the task for Honeystyle Store and switch to work. We also redesigned the website to ensure user and SEO friendliness, write product description copy for the client and optimize for sales. Honeystyle Store monthly site traffic increased from 1300 to 6800. The average time it takes to see consistent organic traffic to the site from SEO was around 4 to 6 months. Of which we were consistent with quality content creation, competitive promotions, and measuring results until we start seeing ROI.