Instagram SEO Strategies to Rank Higher For Searches

Instagram SEO Strategies to Rank Higher For Searches

Instagram SEO Strategies to Rank Higher For Searches

This post implies that Instagram search engine optimization ideas or Instagram SEO Strategies must be number one on your Instagram marketing to-do list. Instagram is the most widely used social media platform to promote businesses, and the best way to achieve success is first to increase your Instagram following. When you reach more new people on Instagram, you are more likely to drive more sales and make money.

Getting noticed on Instagram is the key to boost your following. Unlike the regular SEO that you do to rank your sites on Google, Instagram SEO Strategies are little different and tricky to get familiar with. This post explains some of the best methods to optimize for Instagram SEO.


6 Instagram SEO Strategies to Rank Higher For Searches


#1. Optimize Your Profile for Search

The Instagram search bar is what people use to look out for people belonging to the same niche. So this search bar functions similar to that of the Google search bar and displays appropriate profiles to the user based on the search terms.

The accounts you follow on IG, the accounts you are connected with, the posts you liked on Instagram, and the keywords used are also considered essential factors while delivering search results in accordance with the Instagram algorithm. Make sure you include the main keywords in your profile to optimize your bio for search.

You can increase your chances to appear for relevant searches in Instagram by having the primary keyword in your Instagram username and your name or both. Add the secondary keywords in the bio section where you describe what your business is all about; and the products you have to offer.


#2. Include Your Keywords in Captions

The Instagram explore page allows you to search for content using hashtags and location tags only. And Explore displays content based on the type of content a user has shown more interest in; that is nothing but your captions.

The framework that Instagram explore uses learns words based on the context. It is used to identify how accounts are relevant and connected, considering the keywords in names, usernames, bios, and captions. This is why you need to mix keywords while writing captions to get featured in the Explore Page.


#3. Treat Hashtags As Keywords

Hashtags are like the search terms that people use to look out for specific content on social media search engines. While using hashtags for search, Instagram shows all the posts tagged with such hashtags you entered in the search bar.

Therefore tagging your posts or profile with a particular hashtag is synonymous that you post will appear in the results when other users search the platform using that specific hashtag. Now you know why it is essential to include relevant hashtags to attract most of your target audience.

But, remember not to dump all the 30 hashtags, have some to include in the comments section. While hashtags are one way to get your posts found, another strategy is to get automatic Instagram likes for your content to boost engagement and rank higher for searches.


#4. Get More From Alt Text

The alt text feature in Instagram allows you to add additional text to describe your photos. Search engines read the image alt text aloud using a screen reader. This feature was introduced to help the visually challenged persons understand the visual content, and this can be used to improve your Instagram SEO Strategies.

On adding alt text for images, the Instagram algorithm will understand whether or not the image is appropriate for specific users’ content. Instagram auto generates a list of alt texts, but make sure you edit the alt text section to optimize it for search queries. You can write your desired alt text and save it by selecting the advanced settings section.


#5. Embrace Post Tagging

Another method to increase discoverability is to get tagged. When people tag your account in their in-feed posts and stories, others who view that certain content can click through and see your profile which is an effective way to pull more audience.

To accomplish this, you can ask people to tag you in their photos, and you can feature them in your posts in return. After this, you can repost this user-generated content to show your love for them. To avoid cluttering and maintaining consistency in your aesthetics, you can share these posts with Instagram stories.


#6. Track And Tailor your Results

It is crucial to measure the key performance indicators to know if your Instagram marketing efforts reflect your results. You need to conduct an Instagram audit for your account regularly to ensure that you are staying competitive. Also, you need to ask yourself some questions like, “Am I making the right changes? Is there enough impact on visibility?

What to do additionally to have an even better and positive influence? To spot the answers to these questions, you need to start analyzing Instagram Insights information to check your profile’s performance and posting results. Using a comprehensive analytics tools will help you gain more insights about your overall performance and a detailed breakdown about reach and impressions, the exact source where most of your audience got converted, whether from homepage, profile or hashtags, etc.


Wrapping up: 6 Instagram SEO Strategies to Rank Higher For Searches

There are numerous user accounts on Instagram of which some may be winning brands, and the rest is just another business account. Which one do you want to become? Yes, I hear it as a “winning brand”!

As a leading SEO agency in Lagos Nigeria, we can help you drive more online visibility using effective Instagram SEO techniques that will boost your brand exposure amidst a massive and relevant audience.


By Sarah James

VoxCorp, Inc


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