How to Conduct SEO Keyword Research

How to Conduct SEO Keyword Research

In digital marketing landscape, user searching keywords or industry phrases matter to Google and SEO professionals for several reasons. In this post; we are going learn how to conduct SEO keyword research for a website or web campaign. It covers the importance of keyword research for effective digital marketing strategy and search engine optimization (SEO).

By using effective keyword research tools and techniques, you can create a profitable niche for your business, discover relevant markets, and rank your websites or products higher for specific topics in search engines.

Before going further on how to conduct seo keyword research, you will need to know about search engines, the meaning of the term; search engine optimization, what is keyword research and its importance.



What Is Search Engine?

 A search engine is a web software program that is designed to help people find the information they are looking for online using their specific keywords or phrases.

Some the popular search engines that we use every day to find information on the web includes Google Search Engine, Microsoft’s Bing, Yahoo Search and Chinese Baidu Search Engine.


What Is Search Engine Optimization?

The term, search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO is the process of maximizing the number of web visitors to a particular website or webpage by ensuring that the site has the necessary keywords that will make it appear high on the list of results returned by search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing.

SEO is a type of digital marketing strategy that focuses specifically on driving more traffic to a website buy making the site more suitable for both human and search engine queries. This process will result in ranking of the site higher on top pages.


What is keyword in SEO?

SEO keywords (also known as “keywords” or “keyphrases”) are ideas and topics that define what online content is all about. They’re the words and phrases that searchers enter into their search browsers in the form of “search queries” when they are looking for products or services in the internet.


What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the first step to website content development and marketing. In most cases, keywords should reflex potential buyers’ search terms in order to improve search engine rankings for those terms.

Therefore, keyword research is the process of researching and analyzing search terms that people type into search engines with the aim of making that particular content appear higher on the search engine result pages, SERPs.


Why We Need To Understand Keywords Research?

If you want to know why you need to understand keywords and how they work as integral part of your website SEO copywriting, listed below are the main importance of keyword research for Digital Marketing and SEO.


6 Importance of Keyword Research for Digital Marketing


1. For Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The first and most obvious reason we need keyword research is to optimize for organic search. Search Engine Optimization helps websites to rank organically on the search engine results pages.

One of the primary ways that search engines decide what to rank is by crawling for the keywords that show relevance between the user’s search query and the content on your website.

Google frequently change their ranking algorithms and that is why keywords are likely never going to lose importance in the online space. Google ranking algorithm or pagerank (PR) system is a complex and ever changing system that allows Google to rank, find and return relevant searches. As a digital marketer, you’re expected to check out the latest industry practice while optimizing a website.


2. Increase Website Content SEO Strategy

Report says that Google changes its search algorithm frequently. While most algorithm changes are less significant, having outdated SEO techniques can largely impact our site rankings. Thus, regular maintenance of your SEO strategy will ensure that you stay on top of any algorithm changes and give you edge over your industry competitors.

Again, tactical content optimization for keywords is an important part of SEO on a website. It is recommended that you perform content optimization for your corporate or ecommerce site frequently.  By performing content optimization yearly or even quarterly, you have a higher chance of making better.

With detailed SEO purpose that is aimed at ranking you above competitors, attracting customers that are likely to make a conversion than browsers; it is recommended also to focus on specific keywords with high search volumes and low competition.


3. To Boost Local Search Optimization

Incorporating local keywords is very important to the search of your website. In recent years, Google has placed a higher importance on local businesses, and encourage businesses to claim their place on Google my Business. If you do not claim your business online, Google will pull the information they think is correct from your website for online publication.

You can attract more local searchers by performing local keywords research, and optimizing the most important product or service pages of your site. If your business is located across multiple states, it’s still important to include local keyword references where applicable, especially on your about page and homepage.

Again, the footer text is another crucial place to fit in the local keywords and is highly recommended for best SEO practice. The contact page and footer is the best place to list your locations. For example, if you are a real estate company in Lagos Nigeria with different offices and properties across the nation.


4. It Fuels Website Traffic Strategy

SEO keywords and Content work together. Without content on your website, strong SEO traffic will not follow. According to Nate Dame,

“Effective content strategy starts with keyword research”. “Modern keyword research provides significant insight into what audiences want and need.”

Every single piece of content on your site should be written with SEO in mind. That is, focusing around a niche keyword that strikes the right balance between high search volume and competition.

Being specific in product, service and location will attract potential customers who are looking for exactly what you provide in your geographical area, rather than a broad range of internet searchers.


5. Discover Competitive Buyer Keywords

There are several benefits of conducting SEO keyword search for a site. In a particular industry, a keyword with very high search volume may not be encouraged because the more people are searching for it, the more the competition will be higher; making is hard to rank on top of such search results. Instead competing so high, choose keywords or phrase that are more specific to service, product or location; and are capable of setting you apart from other competition.

However, with good SEO techniques we can still rank you higher above your competitors. For instance, if you are a business owner looking to optimize for a real estate business, we would include buyer keywords and phrases that set your site apart from others, including other features like geographic indicators or property distinctions.

For example, while “houses for sale in Nigeria” is a highly searched phrase, the competition is also higher. Specific key phrases with lower search volumes such as, “Detach duplex for sale in Palm View Estate Lekki Lagos Nigeria”. “Houses for sale in Lagos Nigeria” will catch the attention of valuable customers that are more likely to start a conversion.


6. For Paid Advertising Campaigns

Marketers often think about SEO and content when referring to keyword research, but all campaigns should also be keyword focused. Whether it paid search ads, display ads, remarketing, or social media campaigns, all of these strategies need to be keyword-rich.

For example, with paid search you’re literally bidding on individual keywords. Keywords make up your ad group, which make your campaigns actionable. If these keywords have low search volume, then your ads are going to get little or no traction.

Also, if your keywords do not reflect the interest to your target audience, you’re going to get the wrong people clicking on your ads, which will waste your ad budget. The bottom line is that keyword research is the KEY in all search marketing campaigns!



Now that you understand what search engine is, the meaning of search engine optimization, keyword research, and the importance of keyword in SEO and Digital Marketing.

Let us look at the steps in conducting an effective SEO keyword research for your websites and online campaigns.


1. List Out the Important Topics

List out your 10 most important project keywords. Listing relevant topics is very important because it guilds you through the plans.

To start this process, think about the topics you want to rank for. You will come up with different topics you think are important, and then you’ll use those topics list to come up with the specific and/or related keywords in the process.


2. Know the Users Search Intents

Understand your searcher intent through market research. This is also known as user intent; which is the trick to performing quality keyword research. Understanding your ideal audience and their needs could help your page beat competition.

For example, let’s say you are into real estate in Lagos Nigeria; the best keyword for this would be “real estate agent in Lagos Nigeria”.

This is much better than the related keyword: “real estate agent in Nigeria” because it is more specific with less competition. Focusing on user search queries or the information they type in search engine while looking for your product is very key.


3. Focus on Popular Themes

By focusing less on individual keywords and more on an idea when creating content that addresses your audience’s needs and questions; you will start including related target keywords in your content.

If you are writing an article about real estate, your target keyword might be “top real estate agents”. The idea of top real estate would be your theme.


4. Research Related Topics

Researching about related topics or terms is a creative step that helps in keyword research. If you’re struggling to think of more keywords people might be searching regarding a specific topic or product, take a look at the related search terms that appear when you type in a keyword into Google search.

When you type in your phrase and scroll to the bottom of Google’s results, there are some suggestions that came up for related searches to your original input. These keywords or user questions can give you ideas for other keywords you may want to consider.


5. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Do not force keywords! Keyword forcing or keyword stuffing can reduce the quality of the content on your website for both website reader and search engines.

In recent update, results have shown that content is more important than keywords. Stuffing keywords unnecessarily into your article or web page will not help your SEO rankings. If the keyword input can distract your readers’ flow; it is recommended that you stay away from this technique.


Wrapping up: On How Conduct SEO keyword Research

Am sure that you’ve known more about Search Engine Optimization, how to conduct comprehensive keyword research and the importance of keywords to your SEO strategy. When you put these steps in practice, be rest assured your websites will rank well and be able to beat your competitors.

By Fatima Ajoke Peter.

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Comments (2)

  • John Ayodeji Reply

    Hello Abbakin, Thanks for sharing this amazing article on how to carryout SEO keyword research… I really learnt a lot from it.

    John Ayo

    July 22, 2021 at 2:05 pm
    • Abbakin Reply

      Thank you John for your time! Let us know if you need help growing your e-business through SEO and organic traffic. Our content development is designed to be SEO friendly and optimal for search rankings.

      August 4, 2021 at 2:10 am

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