Partner With Abbakin

Dear Valued Partner,

Becoming a mentor, a contributor or supplier at Abbakin is a way of giving back to the global business community online; connecting with the next generation of entrepreneurs in person; and promoting knowledge sharing, technology transfer and support for the small and medium sized enterprises through our custom projects. Economic empowerment through Entrepreneurship is a laudable project and we are working collaboratively to improve the quality and standard of our programs so as to achieve it.

Abbakin is calling on upstanding individuals, business experts, developers, investors, corporate organizations, financial institutions and possible international donor agencies who believe that interventions in Entrepreneurship is a means to achieving grassroots developments and breaking the unemployment cycle in Nigeria, Africa and across the world.

As a company or individual with the experience and expertise, we invite you to invest in solving the current economy problems faced by the SMEs; and join the creation of thousands of jobs for our youths through the Empowerment Projects currently available in our platforms. We are seeking for your endorsement, referral links, moral and financial supports. Your partnership model could be on a regular or voluntary basis to gain mutual benefits.

On the basis of bilateral MoU, Abbakin would in addition exchange membership with other network agencies and global leading brands – so as to increase collaboration across border and provide Members (founders, alumni and mentors) with better opportunities worldwide. Abbakin is at present seeking to be a member of the global bodies like the Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE); the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM); Google® for Entrepreneurs, and many other leading organizations.

We are indeed grateful to all organizations and individuals who have supported our course in the past years. We thank you and pray the Almighty will strengthen and uphold your continued efforts! If you need more information about our partnership and sponsorship programs, kindly send us a mail: