Paul Nwokedi

Paul Nwokedi


Paul Nwokedi is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and internet personality who initiated a project that led to Abbakin in 2015. Paul is a Google certified digital marketer, a growth strategist and experienced I.T. person that provides facility management and support services to the global organizations in the areas of Information Technology and Communications (ICT), Business Development, Marketing and Logistics Management. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Maiduguri.

Paul Nwokedi is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered); the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), a YouWin! Connect Alumnus, and a Rotary International Volunteer. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and visit his official website: for more information about him and his latest interviews and programmes.

Being an entrepreneur is neither a part-time or full-time job. It’s a lifestyle! With our world-wide network of resources, knowledge of local markets and customer-focused strategy, you are uniquely positioned to stay ahead in today’s business environment.

– Paul Nwokedi, Founder