Ben Kubassek

Ben Kubassek

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Ben Kubassek

Ben Kubassek is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 37 years of experience. A finalist for Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year Award, listed in Who’s Who in Canadian Business. Ben is an experienced author of the bestselling books “Succeed Without Burnout” and the “Five F-Words That Will Energize Your Life”.

Not just teaching people to fish, Ben is a keynote life balance speaker and trainer at
He believed in working together with Abbakin in helping young people become entrepreneurs in developing countries like Africa.

Find some of his books on Amazon. Connect with Ben on Facebook, Twitter and other online channels for more information.


After building more than 600 homes and many related businesses, I decided that it was time for me to build people. I am now dedicated to teaching, motivating, and inspiring young people in developing countries to know, go, and grow in their own businesses and in their personal lives.

– Ben Kubassek, Founder BenKubassek Media