Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

You can browse through this Frequently Asked Questions page to find more information.

General Access Point

The Abbakin Terms of Service explains the terms and conditions of use and other such applicable policies that bind your obligation with us. Our Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use and safeguard your information with us. These Policies are subject to change at any time without prior notice to you. It’s therefore necessary for you to review them periodically to be aware of any such changes or updates made thereof.

If your needs are not met swiftly; or you faced any service related issues, please accept our apology for getting you involved. Abbakin hopes that you will continue using our products; and will be grateful to assist – so we want to hear from you. Kindly Contact us by phone or fill out the online request form to settle any service related challenges.

The Abbakin organization is open for all individuals and professionals; made up of different cadre and drawn from different parts of the world. Our programs are suitable for entrepreneurs, busy working executives and ready to retire parents who may need soft skill training and support in developing and starting up their businesses; or future investment plans.

Abbakin exercise uttermost care while providing you with the most suitable packages and our team is taking your unique situations and specific requirements into account. Our people are functional experts and experienced hands who can help set things up for your success.

Purchases and Refunds

Abbakin offers first class personal services, innovative products, and business services at fair and considerable prices! Price determination depends on a lot of factors, but this is done with two objectives in mind: (1.) Ensuring the Company’s profitability objectives is achieved. (2.) Ensuring the customer perceives the prices as reasonable and/or affordable.

Aside digital products which can be downloaded online, all goods and services ordered on can be delivered once you have paid for your products. Return of products or cancellation of booked appointments or reservations are allowed within 5 business days upon delivery. If you changed your mind and decide to cancel an order or arrangement, please contact by phone immediately: +234-8064-177970.

Abbakin adopts flexible payment methods for your convenience. You can use the direct credit transfer option to our bank accounts; or use the online payment platform (if available). Please be aware that we do not accept mobile payment options at the moment. All cash, crossed cheques or transfer payments to Abbakin should be made in favour of Abbakin Glova Solution Ltd; through our account details supplied fully on request.

Here is Our Sample Bank Details for your information:

  • Bank Name:             First Bank Nig Plc.
  • Bank Branch:           Nationwide
  • Account Name:        Abbakin Glova Solution Ltd
  • Account Number:    101-XXX-7686
  • Account Type:          Current

For Documentation:

Kindly send your unique Customer ID; Amount Paid; Details of Payment (for); Name of Depositor; Phone Number; Email Address; and Scanned copy of the payment slip or teller after your payments. Mail to:; Call: +234-8064-177970 to settle any payment related issues.