Our Corporate Culture

This company culture defines our core values, our vision, corporate social responsibilities and decisions while acting on customers’ behalves. In contrast to the traditional business model of “company first,” Abbakin places more value on people, planets and principles. We make sure to put our employees first!

We’re more productive people, we know how to work hard, play hard, build strong lasting relationships and encourage exceptional works with courtesy: “Thank you”! Abbakin believes that when our team is happy everyone benefits – especially our customers. The Company’s human, helpful and holistic approach to business includes:


Team Enlightenment

Abbakin doesn’t believe that coming to work means leaving your personality behind. This is a place where you can be who you are and do what you love. From daily news updates to entertainments, daily meeting with new people, asking questions, and having team conversations about what you care for. These office manners and etiquette keep everyone informed, motivated and on the move.


Team Wellness

Abbakin placed a huge focus on the mental and physical health of our employees. A healthy happy team means a productive workplace. We have weekly happy hour every Thursday, a moment of sharing healthy snacks, fruits and refreshments throughout the office; encouraging members to get outdoors for a lunchtime walk, shopping, or surfing. Our team fined that this helps them return refreshed, clear and happy.


Team Training

A Company flourishes only when its people are constantly learning new things, growing with technological advancements into their full potentials. Abbakin offers a variety of educational and networking opportunities; we support individual development programs and management training for those who have shown potentials for leadership roles within the Company.


Impact Initiatives

Our team is deeply passionate about helping our world and communities around us. Through our Impact Programs, we support health and safety management campaigns and donate to charity service initiatives that have the potentials for significant change in the society. By contributing our times, resources, and profits to the benefit of others.


Customer Focus

At Abbakin, every department is part of the marketing team; and we have zero tolerance to unethical practices and abuse of office. We love business, marketing, educating and economy of growth. Customer-centered sales services, relationship marketing and courteous satisfaction of our clients remain our unique selling points.

Thank you for your interest to Join our Project Team; together, we can achieve our Unique Service Promise!