Understanding Business Organizational Structure | Abbakin

Business Organizational Structure

Understanding Business Organizational Structure | Abbakin

Understanding business organizational structure will indeed help your company grows in the right direction. Of course, a successful business will startup with a well thought out business structure that will be useful in the future.

This post is a structure business course to show you the best options to choose the right business structure for your new or existing business. You will also need responsive website designs, social media marketing, corporate branding and search engine optimization strategies to grow your business, increase your online visibility and make more sales.


 When you have decided which business is right for you, you will have three important decisions to make:

  • how to develop a business plan for your business,
  • how to raise capital for your business,
  • deciding on the best ways to organize your business.



Understanding Business Organizational Structure


Course Objectives

As an entrepreneur or founder, understanding how to choose the best type of business organizational structure and business name affects your business success and growth.

In this course you will discover:

  • how to give the right name to your company;
  • the best type of business organizations to choose; and
  • how to register your professional business in Nigeria.
  • Including applications for federal and state laws, tax issues and business permits.



Course Materials

In addition the practical information provided in this course series, we have provided a business management case that will prepare your as the future manager of your company. Letting you understand how to solve problems in real life situations.



Who Will Benefit The Most?

  • The course is for potential entrepreneurs and busy working executives who are looking up to starting up and developing their own businesses.
  • Small business owners, marketers and ready to retire parents who are seeking future investment and possible growth opportunities.
  • Students, researchers and institutions who have identified needs for career exploration in business management, and who want to learn soft skills for employment readiness.



Course Type

Education is the best way to empower successful, and we want to bring it to as many people as we can. This course is 100% Free Business Lesson!

It’s a short online course you can take at your own pace and convenient.

This course identifies notable insights from the Abbakin body of research in business administration through accredited institutions, and many more findings are forthcoming.

Candidates’ participation is through online mentored classes and scheduled assessments that can advance quality business management.


With our mentoring of learning system, training workshops and interaction with other in the Community, learning is not only on your own.

Abbakin created these platforms as tools for you to study, engage with like-minded individuals, and succeed in your private and/or corporate businesses!

We expect that you drop your own suggestions at the comment section and share this lesson with your friends and colleagues on social media!

Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @abbakinglova for latest updates about business trends and statistics. If you have any questions concerning this course, kindly get in touch with us here.




This course is part of a sequence: “Starting and Operating a Business” Learning Path.

The series features over 500 business management principles and acceptable practices worldwide.

To get the most out of this session, it is expected that you take the previous lessons before continuing this course!

Previous courses include:





Understanding Business Organizational Structure

Business Organizational Structure


Course Preview

There are a total of 5 lessons that may last about 45 minutes.

Please preview this course below.



CURRICULUM: Business Organizational Structure


Lesson One: 6 Types of Business Organizations Entrepreneur Must Consider

There are six basic types of business organizations that we are likely to discuss in this section; each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

These business organizational structure include:

  • Sole Proprietorship business,
  • Partnerships,
  • Nonprofit Organizations,
  • Cooperative and
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC);
  • Including Corporation – which is a form of Public Company with its huge benefits, separated from its owners.


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Lesson Two: How to Choose the Best Name for a Business: Company Formation 101

Company formation involves all the steps and processes taken towards the establishment of a company, including your sample business plan and organizational structure.

A company name can influence the success of a business.

Company name has a tremendous impact on how customers, investors and the public view your business.

This lesson will help advise you against bad name choice. It also explain the features that make good business names.


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Lesson Three: How to register a Company in Nigeria: a Step by Step Guide

If you choose to name your business as anything other than your own personal name, then you’ll need to register it with the appropriate authorities.

New business owners often ask the meaning and the requirement for registering a business in Nigeria or other locations?

The Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is the regulatory body responsible for the formation, registration, and overall monitoring of the affairs of companies in Nigeria.


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Lesson Five: The Nigeria Business Permits, Licenses and State Regulations

In addition to ensuring that your business entity is legally registered, you may need specific permits or licenses.

The state, country and industry you’re in may differ and it’s your duty to research and find out what is applicable to your environments.

Most states have different requirements for different business structures, and there could be different requirements at the municipal level as well.


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Lesson Five: A Business Management Case Study with Examples

Abbakin uses management case method in preparing its future managers.

This is to impact skills which will help future entrepreneurs and managers identify and analyze strategic management issues which are very near to the real life situations.

By business management case study we imply that learning, discussing and sharing your ideas with others before doing is more beneficial.


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You have come to the end of this course preview page: Understanding Business Organizational Structure.

Kindly follow the links above to start with the first lesson.



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Comments (3)

  • ayeni olamide Reply

    How can I start up a business with your empowerment programs as a student?

    November 20, 2017 at 6:22 pm
    • Abbakin Reply

      Hello Olamide! Yes!
      You can relay start small as a student and grow on step at a time with our business incubation program -which encourage young entrepreneurs. Just send us a mail: hello@abbakin.com to get started.

      November 23, 2017 at 2:26 pm
  • VICTOR Reply

    how can i register foundation under govt and the cost .

    June 13, 2018 at 6:39 am

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